Corkbeg Summer Soccer Camps 2022

Corkbeg FAI Summer Camp 2022
Good news. We have officially been given the dates for our FAI Summer Soccer Camps. And even better news, for the first time ever, we’re doing TWO camps this year – one which is exclusively for Girls.
Here are the official dates:
July 25th to July 29th – GIRLS ONLY – 10pm to 1pm
August 16th to 20th – MAINSTREAM (Everybody) – 10pm to 1pm
The booking portal goes live on TUESDAY, 3RD OF MAY at 2PM. You need to be ready and you need to book early, as places are limited and fill up really, really quickly. The camps are open for anybody from 6 years of age to 14 years of age and cost 70 euros per child, though there are discounts for additional family members.
A reminder though – the booking system is an external portal, run by the FAI. The system has nothing to do with Corkbeg AFC, so any inevitable complaints will fall on deaf ears on our side of things. We can’t do anything to ‘’get people in’’ and when the places are gone, they’re gone. Be patient, as this is an annual minefield and the system is always problematic.
So, be warned, book early and be ready to rock & roll on Tuesday at 2pm.

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